I’m a 20 year old UCONN sophomore who is going for a dual degree in C.S. and in E.E! I ended up picking these two since I’ve always held an interest in technology since a very young age. I used to always deconstruct electronics that I probably shouldn’t have had my hands on and try to figure out what made them tick. I almost never actually was able to actually put them back together perfectly afterwords… but can you blame a 5 year old for trying? After a while when I way 11, my grandfather started bringing me to radio shack (man where have the good times gone?) to walk around and learn about new technology. He even purchased me a book that covered the basics of how and why the basics worked. He always lifted my spirits whenever I felt low about failing or not understanding a topic.
Around the same time I picked up digital logic as well, diving into media covering the programming language C, and the fundamentals of functional programming. I would spend hours of my free time after school trying to get a solid grasp on not only the syntax of C, but also the black boxes it interfaced with as well. My parents kept encouraging me cause I mean, as long as they’re learning what’s the harm in spending a larger chunk of time online? Since then I’ve tried my hand in different projects from tools like map or text editors, to games like tetris or even a 2D top down action game. While most of my projects end early (mainly due to my habit of wanting to minimize the amount of tools and libraries I use so I can learn more… oops) I still feel as though I have a solid understanding of the essentials.
Well, dear viewer, I made this website cause I was curious on how I can make a basic website. I’ve never worked in the languages used for this so it was all foreign and interesting to me! Besides that I thought it would be kind of cool to share some of the stuff I made/make with its own dedicated page (Also I get to be sooo cool and show off how official it is that it has its own webpage).
Well… I mean C.S. and E.E. are my top ones unsurprisingly, but I’ve also recently been interested in different mediums of art recently; while art’s hard, it is probably one of the most rewarding things that you can do in my opinion. Besides that I like to go on hikes --especially with friends that you can chat and be silly with--, bowling, and have recently been picking up skiing; God do I love eating snow!